고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 귀찮아 죽겠어.
A: I’m looking for new digs. 귀찮아 죽겠어.
B: You’re like a nomad! Is your landlord tossing you out?
A: Yes. Evidently, he wants to remodel and sell the place.
B: If you want to stay put, make him an offer.

A: 새로운 집을 알아보고 다니고 있어. It’s a pain in the rump.
B: 너 유목민 같아. 집 주인이 너 내쫓니?
A: 듣자 하니, 집을 리모델링 해서 팔려고 한대.
B: 이사 나가기 싫으면 네가 사보지 그래.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m looking for new digs.
? I’m trying to find a new place to move to. / I’m searching for a new apartment.
*It’s a pain in the rump.
? It’s really bothersome. / It’s a giant source of stress. / It gives me a headache.
*You’re like a nomad!
? You’re always moving! / You move so often! / You always seem to be moving!
*Is your landlord tossing you out?
? Is the owner of your apartment asking you to vacate the place?
? It seems / Apparently / It would seem / I get the impression
*He wants to remodel and sell the place.
? He intends to renovate and then put it up for sale.
*If you want to stay put
? If you’d like to not move / If you’d prefer to stay living there
*make him an offer
? offer to buy it / let him know that you’d be willing to buy it