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제목 사람들은 쥐꼬리만한 돈으로 대가족을 먹여살렸었지.
A: So many kids grow up being an only child.
B: The stats show, that’s the family trend.
A: With costs the way they are, I get it.
B: Way back when, 사람들은 쥐꼬리만한 돈으로 대가족을 먹여살렸었지.

A: 요즘 아이들은 외동으로 많이 자라.
B: 그런 게 요즘 가족제도 트렌드라는 통계가 나왔더라.
A: 아이들 키우는 데 필요한 비용을 생각하면, 이해가 돼.
B: 오래 전엔, People raised big families on peanuts.

[Additional expressions]
*So many kids grow up
? Quite a few children are raised / A large number of kids go through childhood
*being an only child
? without any brothers or sisters / not having a brother or a sister
*The stats show
? The statistics indicate / According to the statistics / We can see by the stats
*That’s the family trend.
? That’s how families are trending. / That’s the current trend for families.
*With costs the way they are
? See how expensive things are / Since the cost of living is so high
*I get it.
? I totally understand the situation. / It’s not hard to comprehend what’s up.
*Way back when
? Long ago / In the old days / Many years ago / In past generations
*People raised big families on peanuts.
? Large families got by without having much money.