고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 나도 끼워줘
A: You’re “big day” is the day after next! What’s up?
B: I hope to get a little something going on. Are you in?
A: 나도 끼어줘 no holds barred. I’m good to go!
B: Excellent! I’ll work out the details and text you.

A: 다 다음 날이면 생일이네? 뭐 할거야?
B: 조촐한 파티라도 하고 싶은데, 올래?
A: Sign me up. 무슨 일이 있어도 갈 수 있어. 난 갈 준비 됐다구.
B: 좋아! 자세한 사항은 정해서 문자로 알려줄게.

[Additional expressions]
*Your “big day” is the day after next!
? Your birthday is coming up two days from now!
*What’s up?
? What have you got planned? / What’s on your party agenda?
*I hope to get a little something going on.
? I’d like to celebrate in a small way. / It’d be nice to have a party.
*Are you in?
? Will you join in? / Can I count on you to participate?
*Sign me up
? Count me in / Put my name on the list
*no holds barred
? all in / all the way / whatever you want / anything and everything
*I’m good to go!
? I’m in! / I’m ready! / I’m all yours!
? That’s great! / That’s exactly what I wanted to hear! / All right!
*I’ll work out the details and text you.
? After I figure out everything, I’ll let you know by text message.