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분류 영어
제목 너무 힘들어
A: I’m trying to make a web site, but 너무 힘들어.
B: There are sites that give you step-by-step instructions.
A: I’ve looked at a bunch, but I’m basically winging it.
B: Let me know when it’s up and running.

A: 웹사이트를 만들려고 하는데, it’s a bear.
B: 그런 걸 단계별로 가르쳐주는 웹사이트들이 있던데.
A: 여러 사이트를 보긴 했는데, 그냥 되는대로 해보고 있어.
B: 다 만들면 알려줘.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m trying to make a web site
? I’m in the process of creating a new site on the Internet
*it’s a bear
? it’s really difficult / it’s not at all easy / it’s giving me a lot of stress
*There are sites that? You can find some Internet sites that / On the Net, some sites
*give you step-by-step instructions? teach you how to do it in a very systematic way
*I’ve looked at a bunch? I’ve already checked out a lot for them / I have seen quite a few of those sites
*I’m basically winging it.? I’m frankly just figuring it out by myself. / I’m simply doing it on my own.
*Let me know when it’s up and running.? Tell me when you’ve got it on line and functioning.