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분류 영어
제목 너무 심한걸?
A: My girlfriend is high maintenance! She’s a true diva.
B: Don’t worry. I get the sense you two won’t last long.
A: 그 말은 너무 심한걸? Why do you think so?
B: She’s standing right behind you and heard every word.

A: 내 여자 친구는 너무 돈이 많이 들어. 완전 공주야.
B: 걱정 마. 너희 둘 얼마 못 갈 것 같으니까.
A: That’s a harsh thing to say. 왜 그렇게 생각해?
B: 네 여자 친구 바로 네 뒤에 서있고, 네가 한 말 다 들었거든.

[Additional expressions]
*My girlfriend is high maintenance!
? It’s so hard to take care of my girlfriend and make her happy!
*She’s a true diva.
? She is an absolute diva. / She acts like she’s some kind of special princess.
*Don’t worry.
? Don’t let it bother you. / It doesn’t matter. / That’s not something you should have stress over.
*I get the sense you two won’t last long.
? I have a feeling that your relationship will be breaking up soon.
*That’s a harsh thing to say.
? That’s not a very nice thing to say. / That’s a little on the tough side, isn’t it?
*Why do you think so?
? What makes you say that? / How come you think like that?
*She’s standing right behind you
? She is immediately to your rear / Directly behind you, she is listening
*heard every word
? listened to everything you said / was able to hear all that you were saying