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분류 영어
제목 대박인걸
A: I caught the trailer for a new film release. 오우~ 대박이던걸!
B: You and I have completely different tastes in movies.
A: Yes. You like that mushy, sappy stuff. I’m an action guy.
B: Right. I enjoy romance and you like only loud bangs.

A: 새로 개봉하는 영화 예고편을 봤거든. It’s pretty rad.
B: 너랑 나는 영화 취향이 완전 다르잖아.
A: 그래. 넌 감상적이고 눈물 짜는 영화 좋아하고, 나는 액션물이 맞지.
B: 맞아. 난 로맨스를 즐기고, 넌 시끄럽게 총 팡팡 쏴대는 것만 좋아하잖아.

[Additional expressions]

* I caught the trailer for a new film release.
? I was able to watch the promo video for a new movie.
* It’s pretty rad.
? It’s awesome. / It looks really cool. / I was really impressed.
* You and I have completely different tastes in movies.
? We don’t like the same types of movies.
* You like that mushy, sappy stuff.
? You are more into the love story kind of romance movies.
* I’m an action guy.
? I dig the action and adventure genre movies. / I’m the kind of guy who likes action.
* Right.
? Correct. / You’re absolutely right about that. / You’ve hit the nail on the head.
* I enjoy romance
? I like to feel romance / Romance is more to my liking / I’m a fan of romance
* you like only loud bangs
? you prefer to hear booms and bangs / you’re a fan of loud noise