고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 비용을 다 대주세요.
A: Have you ever changed your residence for work?
B: I’ve relocated to a new city to get a job. Like that?
A: No. My company is moving. They want me to follow suit.
B: If they 비용을 다 대주세요. do it.

A: 직장 때문에 이사 해본 적 있니?
B: 일자리를 구하려고 다른 도시로 이사한 적은 있는데, 그런 거?
A: 아니, 우리 회사가 이사를 해서 말이야. 나보고도 하래는데.
B: Pay for the whole caboodle. 그렇게 해.

[Additional expressions]
*Have you ever changed your residence
? Do you have the experience of moving house
*for work
? because of work / in order to comply with the demands of your job
*I’ve relocated to a new city
? I’ve moved to a city that I had never been to before
*to get a job
? so that I could try to find a job / in an effort to search for work
*Like that?
? Is that what you mean? / Are you referring to that? / Is that what you’re asking me?
*My company is moving.
? The company I already work for is changing office locations.
*They want me to follow suit.
? They’ve asked me to move, too. / They requested that I do the same.
*If they pay for the whole caboodle
? If they are willing to cover the cost of the whole adventure
*do it
? go for it / jump on that bandwagon / make the move