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제목 살다 보면 별일도 다 있지
A: Yikes! That’s a pretty nasty wound you’ve got.
B: It’s the dumbest thing. I cut my finger peeling potatoes.
A: You’re accident prone. You get hurt quite often.
B: I’m an active participant in the game of life. 살다 보면 별일도 다 있지.

A: 어머! 상처가 심하네!
B: 정말 바보 같은 일이었어. 감자껍질을 벗기다가 손을 베다니.
A: 넌 사고를 정말 잘 당하는구나. 자주 다치는 것 같아.
B: 내가 너무 열심히 살아서 그런 거지 뭐. Stuff happens.

[Additional expressions]
? Wow! / Ouch! / Holy cow! / Oh no!
*That’s a pretty nasty wound you’ve got.
? You’ve got a really bad injury, there. / That injury looks bad.
*It’s the dumbest thing.
? It’s a really dumb situation. / I did something very dumb.
*I cut my finger peeling potatoes.
? While I was peeling potatoes, I sliced my finger.
*You’re accident prone.
? You’re a danger to yourself. / Injuries just seem to find you.
*You get hurt quite often.? You hurt yourself quite a lot. / You’ve always got one injury or another.
*I’m an active participant in the game of life.? I’m a very active person. / I live my life in an active way.
*Stuff happens.? Things happen. / Things will sometimes go wrong. / Trouble sometimes comes up.