고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 걱정일랑 접어둬.
A: Let’s get out of town. We’ll go where the wind takes us.
B: Spontaneity is not my strong suit. We need a plan.
A: Not this time. Let’s just make it up as we go.
B: OK. 걱정일랑 접어둬 and hit the road.

A: 우리 도시를 떠나자. 발길 닿는 대로 가는 거야.
B: 즉흥적으로 하는 건 내 스탈이 아닌데. 계획을 세워야지.
A: 이번엔 그러지 말자. 되는 대로 가면서 정하자구.
B: 좋아. We’ll throw caution to the wind 떠나자.

[Additional expressions]
*Let’s get out of town.
? Let’s take a short trip. / Why don’t we get out into the country for a short while?
*We’ll go where the wind takes us.
? We can go wherever we want. / We’ll just drive without a destination.
*Spontaneity is not my strong suit.
? I’m not really good at being impulsive. / I’m not the spontaneous type.
*We need a plan.
? We should make a careful plan. / It would be better to have a certain schedule.
*Not this time.
? Some other time. / Not on this occasion. / Not for this particular journey.
*Let’s just make it up as we go.
? We’ll figure it out as we move along. / We’ll make decisions on the road.
*We’ll throw caution to the wind
? We’ll forget all about being careful / We’ll just take our chances
*hit the road
? just drive / simply get out on the road / do nothing but go