고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 머리를 써야지.
A: I grabbed some veggies off a truck on the way home.
B: Did you check it for bumps and bruises?
A: Yeah. It’s not the prettiest stuff, but it seems all OK.
B: They offer great deals, but 머리를 써야지.

A: 집에 가는 길에 트럭에서 파는 채소를 좀 사왔어.
B: 혹이 났는 지, 곯은 데는 있는지 살펴보고 산 거야?
A: 응. 보기엔 이래도 그럭저럭 다 괜찮아 보여.
B: 싸게 판다고 막 사면 안돼. you have to use your head.

[Additional expressions]
*I grabbed some veggies off a truck
? I bought some vegetables from the back of a street-side truck
*on the way home
? while I was coming home / on my way back to my house / en route to my home
*Did you check it for bumps and bruises?
? Did you give each piece a thorough inspection?
*It’s not the prettiest stuff
? It doesn’t look so fantastic / Not every piece is picture-perfect
*it seems all OK
? I get the impression that it’s all just fine / it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem
*They offer great deals
? They are very inexpensive / You can get a lot for a low price
*you have to use your head
? you need to be smart / you have to watch what you’re doing