고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 늘 너무 바빠
A: I’m into health management. I bought some supplements.
B: That stuff is a racket. Watch you don’t get taken for a ride.
A: I think it’s worth it. 난 늘 너무 바빠서 말이야.
B: Get a good dose of fruits and veggies every day.

A: 건강 관리에 관심이 많아져서 건강 보조제를 좀 샀어.
B: 그런 보조제는 순 사기야. 속지 않도록 조심해.
A: 건강 보조제를 먹는 건 가치가 있다고 보는데. I’m always on the go.
B: 과일이랑 채소를 매일 충분히 섭취하라구.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m into health management.
? I’m interested in taking good care of my health. / I’m health conscious.
*I bought some supplements.
? I purchased some things to supplement my health. / I got some vitamins.
*That stuff is a racket.
? Those kinds of things are a big rip-off business. / You can’t trust that stuff.
*Watch you don’t get taken for a ride.
? Be careful you don’t get deceived. / Take care not to get swindled.
*I think it’s worth it.
? I have a feeling that it’s a good thing. / I believe there’s some value in it.
*I’m always on the go.
? I’m always so busy. / I’m constantly hustling around. / I have a hectic life.
*Get a good dose of fruits and veggies every day.
? Eat a fair amount of fruits and vegetables, daily.