I already got the low down. → 기본적인 것은 알아.
[예문] A: What’s wrong with your voice? 목소리가 왜 그래?
B: I fell asleep with the window open last night. Now my throat is all scratchy. 어제 밤에 창문 열어 놓고 잤어. 목이 완전 따가워.
A: You should gargle with salt water. Lemon and honey tea does wonders, too. 소금물로 헹궈 내봐. 꿀차에 레몬타서 먹어도 좋아져.
B: I know. I already got the low down from my mom. Thanks, though. 알아. 그런기본적인 것은 엄마로부터배웠어. 고마워.