고객센터 > Daily Study Zone
분류 영어
제목 시간이 남아돌아
A: Do you have anything important slated for tomorrow?
B: As a matter of fact, I do. The whole day is booked.
A: Well that settles that, then. I was hoping to grab lunch together.
B: Not to worry! 시간이 남아돌아. the day after tomorrow.

A: 내일 중요한 일 있니?
B: 실은 있어. 하루 종일 뭐가 있네.
A: 그렇담 알겠어. 같이 점심이나 할까 했는데.
B:. 걱정마! 모레는 I’ve got oodles of time.

[Additional expressions]
*Do you have anything important slated for tomorrow?
? Tomorrow, do you have an important schedule?
*As a matter of fact, I do.
? In fact, yes. / To be honest, I sure do. / Truth is, I really do.
*The whole day is booked.
? I’ll be busy all day. / I have things scheduled to do all day long.
*Well that settles that, then.
? That’s the end of that idea, then. / Never mind, then.
*I was hoping to grab lunch together.
? I had it in mind that we could eat lunch together.
*Not to worry!
? Don’t worry! / It’s OK! / There’s no need to fret!
*I’ve got oodles of time
? I have a ton of time / I’m very free / My whole schedule is wide open
*the day after tomorrow
? two days from now / the next day / one more day after then